
Providing Grocery Stores Quality Technical Solutions
When it comes to commercial buildings, grocery stores present complex heating and cooling environments. You can imagine the energy consumption required to maintain the differing climate needs throughout various departments, which is why it’s important to be sure your system is optimized for your store, and that proper maintenance keeps it running efficiently. A system failure can be detrimental to your business, causing financial and product loss – not to mention disgruntled customers. Let us take the stress off your shoulders with our quality install and repair HVAC solutions for supermarkets for grocery stores. Contact us to schedule your appointment now.
Serving the Rooftop Install & Repair Needs of Your Supermarket
Whether you need to repair or replace an existing system, or need a new rooftop system installed for a new build, THC has been serving the commercial repair and installation needs of supermarkets for decades. Our professional technicians can handle all your grocery store’s heating and cooling needs, from system design and install to service and part replacement, as well as proper humidity control. Contact us now to get started on your supermarket’s rooftop solution today.

Grocery Refrigeration Solutions in Michigan & Beyond
Your refrigeration needs are extensive – cooled display cases, commercial refrigeration, and heavy-duty freezers. It’s important that your equipment is able to properly handle the necessary refrigeration load, while also maintaining the comfort of your clientele. As a certified True Refrigeration dealer and installer, THC can provide you with reliable equipment solutions for your grocery needs, along with the peace of mind that comes with our specialized repair and maintenance capabilities. We service and install the following refrigeration equipment, and more:
- Walk-in Coolers
- Merchandising Coolers and Freezers
- Open-Air Merchandisers
- Reach-in Coolers
Food Preparation Equipment Planning & Maintenance
To keep up with your modern consumer’s demand for pre-packaged foods and a variety of options, many successful grocery stores offer shoppers a deli area and/or prepared foods section. In order to craft the products sold in these sections, a commercial food-prep area is essential. As your technical experts, THC can not only advise you on what equipment your establishment needs, but we can source, install, and service it as well! We provide solutions for all types of commercial kitchen equipment, including:
- Steam Wells
- Prep Tables
- Rotisserie Ovens
- Deep Fryers
- Heat Lamps
- Sushi Coolers
- Salad Bars
Indoor Air Quality in Your Grocery Store
One main HVAC concern you face as a grocery store operator that may not seem as obvious, is the indoor air quality of your establishment. In-store humidity must be controlled in order to protect the quality of your product, and proper ventilation is important for the comfort and well-being of your staff and shoppers. THC can provide you with the following indoor air quality solutions for your grocery store:
- Dehumidifiers
- Makeup Air Units
- Zoned Ventilation